And we're off to the races! Flex your writing muscles by trying this speedy writing activity that will get your brain producing brilliant phrases in no time. It can be done with a group, or by yourself.
First, write down about ten nouns or verbs on a piece of paper. Ones like river, bells, running, slamming a door, squished fruit, boats, birds, wind, trees, and bread in the oven will work, but try to come up with some of your own as well.

Next, rip up the piece of paper so that each of the nouns and verbs are on separate slips of paper.
Then, put them all in a hat, cup or bowl (on a table will work but it won't be as dramatic).

After that, set a timer for five minutes. Grab a pen and paper, or open a document on the computer. Start your timer and pick out one piece of paper. Then, write down a phase, metaphor, simile, or a couple of  sentences about whatever is on the paper. 

For example, if I chose the noun, wind, out of the bowl, I might say something like,
Pouring past my ears and tossing my hair. Or, if it was the moon, I might say, a pale orange, casting a strip of light across the side walk.

Once you have completed a phrase, pick another piece of paper. Your goal is to try to do as many as you can in five minutes.

A way you can modify this activity is to take away the timer. This allows you to work more at each phrase to try and find the perfect way to describe something. You can also write a descriptive paragraph about each word if you want even more of a challenge.

Enjoy the activity. Happy Writing!