Hey everyone, at the request of Lauren B, over the next little while, each of the group members is going to give a little update on how their writing is going. So, here's mine!

I've been very busy lately so there has been very little time to work on my novel that I mentioned on the 'Members' page. I am slowly rewriting the beginning of my novel and taking out a lot of the backstory that I included in the first draft. Trying to piece parts of my first draft together with the new chapters I'm writing is kind of like piecing together a complicated jigsaw puzzle. A lot of my 'writing time' is spent sitting at my desk and trying to think out how my novel fits together.

The other reason I have been taking a break from my novel is to work on a short story. I have been working on it since February and a couple of weeks ago I submitted it to a contest. I'll hear back mid-June about the results of the contest so I'll post an update on the website when I find out.

Over the next little while, I'm going to work on some poetry, and get back into revising my novel. With any luck, I'll be able to finish my novel this summer!


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